
lly hyper*I don* t think we have anything in common,but we have _ ja.good time anyway * She makes brilliant conversation,which is good,becauise. I make lousy conversation* I wouldn’t say she’s a girlfriend, but she' s more than a friendgirl too,when we met,I could just feel that our relationship would last for a long time* unless one of us went crazy sometime.,We met at a soccer game a-bout a year ago.I was with my friends(There were only seven of *> us*.)and I was the only person that didn't come with somebody, so I felt a little out of place.Then,she just strolled up behind me and said, * Hey-1 think you’, re the most terriffic persln in the world*’If s. not as if I didn’t already know that,but it’s nice to hear someone else say it.From that moment on,I knew she was hyper.But sha-kmew I couldn’t resist her,which is why she never quit with me when most girls would.She reminds me of a
whore the way she talks to me and laughs at everything-I say*
I try not to think about _that,because whores drive me crazy,
.and I couldn’t put up with one if I ever met one.
, ’ Like I said,I mingle with a group of people,eight to be exact.Like I said,William Scott is one of them,y*na,my best friend*! t* s not like, he’s a lot of fun to be around or anything, actually,he*s quite boring.!t makes me wonder why Linda Schotte stays with him the way she does.He wonders the same thing about Paula Dixon and me,so I’m not afraid to let him know that I think he’s a drag.Linda thinks he’s,so terriffic;I can’t stand it.
She worships, him as if he’s going to grow up and be a billionaire. or something unlikely like that..I think he’ll be a financial success,but his marriage life is going to stink.He gets great grades,but that won’t be an asset when he grows up.He might be academically aaart,but he’s really an idiot,if you knoi^^
what I mean.He’s someone that thinks sex is the. ultimate goal
of everyone alive.i’m not so sure about that.I’m going to be reluctant to get married until I’m really old.,! don’t know why either,but that’s the way.it*s going to be for me.Anyhow,Linda
Schotte. is a real ding-dong in all areas.A.cademically,I’m surprised .she’s going into the. ninth grade at the end of this summer. 11fs not as if she’s so dumb she wouldn’t pass unless she got
- Author
- mark thomas